
#1 - Don't Niche, You'll Die of Boredom

Caro Gomez Episode 1

Are you feeling pressure to fit into a single box? Do you have a million passions and interests that don't seem to fit neatly into one category? You, my friend, are a Shapeshifter! 

Welcome to my first episode. I'm excited you are here.

Tune in and hear me talk about the kinds of conversations we will have here:

  • We'll explore why women, in particular, are often expected to pick just one path, and how to break free from that pressure.
  • Why it's important to build a career that honours all your creative desires.
  • I discuss the beauty of cyclical living, allowing yourself to wander, explore, and express your creativity in new ways.
  • And the importance of tapping back into your joyful spirit and letting it shine through in all your creative endeavours.

Ready to unleash your inner Shapeshifter and live a life brimming with creative expression? Tune in and let's get exploring!

✨ Want more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram @carogomez_joywitch for deeper conversations on unconventional thinking, creativity, and spirituality!

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